Embroidery of Thoughts
words of the day:
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.~Victor Hugo~
Okey, let me think of the things why I love J. The first thing I can think of is that he loves me inspite of being me. Who would think that somebody would love me the way he loves me when even sometimes I hate myself. Second, he pampers me like nobody else. He massage me after work. He rubs my feet after a long day at work and my feet hurts. He prepares me coffee or cocoa upon waking up after a morning cuddle. He prepares my meal if I didn't feel like cooking or didn't feel like doing anything. He drives me around even after a long day at work. He accompanies me shopping even if he hates shopping.He gives in to me after a few naggings. He listens to me even if I bitch and moan about things. He is a friend. He is the only person I feel closest to. With him,I can actually do a lot of crazy things and be able to get away with it. Have you ever thought of things why you love a person?Well, start listing down.
I am staring at the monitor and trying to decide whether to go back to bed and sleep the day away again. I have already overslept. I went to bed with the thought of enjoying a walk to the dreamside. Only this time,the only dream I can recall is the deep force of sleep pulling me deeper and deeper to eternity. It didn't feel good. In fact it is more like a nightmare. I couldn't move my feet, they were intertwined with each other. I felt concsious though. In my concsiousness I forced myself to get up. And fought the force of deep sleep for a few minutes then I went back to sleep. The rest of my sleep was uneventful.
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.~Victor Hugo~
Okey, let me think of the things why I love J. The first thing I can think of is that he loves me inspite of being me. Who would think that somebody would love me the way he loves me when even sometimes I hate myself. Second, he pampers me like nobody else. He massage me after work. He rubs my feet after a long day at work and my feet hurts. He prepares me coffee or cocoa upon waking up after a morning cuddle. He prepares my meal if I didn't feel like cooking or didn't feel like doing anything. He drives me around even after a long day at work. He accompanies me shopping even if he hates shopping.He gives in to me after a few naggings. He listens to me even if I bitch and moan about things. He is a friend. He is the only person I feel closest to. With him,I can actually do a lot of crazy things and be able to get away with it. Have you ever thought of things why you love a person?Well, start listing down.
I am staring at the monitor and trying to decide whether to go back to bed and sleep the day away again. I have already overslept. I went to bed with the thought of enjoying a walk to the dreamside. Only this time,the only dream I can recall is the deep force of sleep pulling me deeper and deeper to eternity. It didn't feel good. In fact it is more like a nightmare. I couldn't move my feet, they were intertwined with each other. I felt concsious though. In my concsiousness I forced myself to get up. And fought the force of deep sleep for a few minutes then I went back to sleep. The rest of my sleep was uneventful.
words of the day:
The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.~Victor Hugo~
Okey, let me think of the things why I love J. The first thing I can think of is that he loves me inspite of being me. Who would think that somebody would love me the way he loves me when even sometimes I hate myself. Second, he pampers me like nobody else. He massage me after work. He rubs my feet after a long day at work and my feet hurts. He prepares me coffee or cocoa upon waking up after a morning cuddle. He prepares my meal if I didn't feel like cooking or didn't feel like doing anything. He drives me around even after a long day at work. He accompanies me shopping even if he hates shopping.He gives in to me after a few naggings. He listens to me even if I bitch and moan about things. He is a friend. He is the only person I feel closest to. With him,I can actually do a lot of crazy things and be able to get away with it. Have you ever thought of things why you love a person?Well, start listing down.
I am staring at the monitor and trying to decide whether to go back to bed and sleep the day away again. I have already overslept. I went to bed with the thought of enjoying a walk to the dreamside. Only this time,the only dream I can recall is the deep force of sleep pulling me deeper and deeper to eternity. It didn't feel good. In fact it is more like a nightmare. I couldn't move my feet, they were intertwined with each other. I felt concsious though. In my concsiousness I forced myself to get up. And fought the force of deep sleep for a few minutes then I went back to sleep. The rest of my sleep was uneventful.
The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.~Victor Hugo~
Okey, let me think of the things why I love J. The first thing I can think of is that he loves me inspite of being me. Who would think that somebody would love me the way he loves me when even sometimes I hate myself. Second, he pampers me like nobody else. He massage me after work. He rubs my feet after a long day at work and my feet hurts. He prepares me coffee or cocoa upon waking up after a morning cuddle. He prepares my meal if I didn't feel like cooking or didn't feel like doing anything. He drives me around even after a long day at work. He accompanies me shopping even if he hates shopping.He gives in to me after a few naggings. He listens to me even if I bitch and moan about things. He is a friend. He is the only person I feel closest to. With him,I can actually do a lot of crazy things and be able to get away with it. Have you ever thought of things why you love a person?Well, start listing down.
I am staring at the monitor and trying to decide whether to go back to bed and sleep the day away again. I have already overslept. I went to bed with the thought of enjoying a walk to the dreamside. Only this time,the only dream I can recall is the deep force of sleep pulling me deeper and deeper to eternity. It didn't feel good. In fact it is more like a nightmare. I couldn't move my feet, they were intertwined with each other. I felt concsious though. In my concsiousness I forced myself to get up. And fought the force of deep sleep for a few minutes then I went back to sleep. The rest of my sleep was uneventful.
I had been test on this site and I got the result below:
Physical Fred or Phyllis ™ 97.54
Logical Lewis or Lisa ™ 32.93
Overworked Oivers or Olivias ™ 23.3
Outdoor Otto or Olive ™ 4.17
NOTE: The above scores are percentiles, and are shown for the purpose of allowing you to see exactly how strongly your winning personality type was. If your winning personality type beat the runner up by at least 15 points, this is a fairly strong win. Anything less than 15 points means that you are a DUAL personality and need to read carefully the descriptions and statistics for BOTH your winning type and the runner up.
We did extensive statistical studies to differentiate people according to both the types of stress they are prone to experience, and the manner in which they are most effectively relieved of their stress. A stress personality therefore describes both the types of stress one is most vulnerable to, and the most appropriate interventions for stress reduction.
No one fits any one type perfectly. It's possible for someone to have feelings and thoughts which cut across several personalities. (In fact, if you look at the main profiles page for your stress personality, you'll see a set of percentile scores associated with each type for your profile). In reality, you'll never find a pure "Overworked Olivia" or "Physical Fred." This is a simplified model which helps us figure out what we most need to work on in order to achieve peace of mind. Please know that we understand people aren't really that simple. Your personality is the one that describes your primary set of feelings and thoughts about stress, the one with whom you most identify. You will probably not feel completely identified with any.
The personalities contain some exaggerations of the features being illustrated. We've done this to make them easy to recognize and identify with. They are much like the characters we meet in fables and children's stories. While we all know they don't exist in reality, there are important lessons to learn by examining those which most nearly approximate us.
Shown below are the description, explanation, and strategy tips for the personality most closely related to your profile. After reading it over, you may wish to review some of the other personality types which are high on your profile above, as they too may offer some useful insights into having a more prosperous, peaceful life.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most people report to us that while this page (the 'Main Stress Personality' page) is entertaining and provides some general, interesting insights, the more valuable information is found on the 'Detailed Findings' page where they can see more specifics about each element in their profile. (Because this page aims to cluster people into one of four broad categories, some people feel it doesn't apply to them as much as the individual profile scores do.
(Requires Physical Activity To Reduce Stress)
"Move, move, move that body!"
The 'Physical Fred or Physical Phyllis' stress personality type is usually a creative woman (often with daughters at home) who responds very well to virtually all types of physical interventions for stress relief. This includes, most importantly exercise (aerobics, yoga, and strength training), but also things like progressive muscle relaxation, massage, or 'cuddling' (with a cat when a loved one is not available!).
The Physical Fred/Phyllis is usually aware of health issues, and feels some relief from drinking bottled water, taking vitamins, and further educating themselves about physical care. (They are a little vulnerable to the 'fat free cookie' craze à sometimes overindulging in fat free treats loaded with sugar, which actually increases their stress level).
In sharp contrast to the Logical Lewis/Lisa stress personality type, the Physical Fred/Phyllis doesn't respond so well to approaches to stress management that rely on trying to change one's thinking ('cognitive approaches'). Positive thinking training, acceptance training, assertiveness training, and the like are mostly wasted on the Physical Fred/Phyllis. They are better off dedicating additional time to their exercise routine, learning more about how to take care of themselves physically, or spending more time with their pets.
The last technique which seems to help the Physical Fred/Phyllis is working with their dreams. However, the dreams need to be seen as a source of entertainment, and the sharing of them a source of catharsis. In other words, they don't necessarily search for the 'meaning of a dream' in order to relieve stress. Rather, they seek to find some enjoyment in the experience of writing it down or sharing it with another person. Kind of like a piece of fine artwork - better to be experienced than to be analyzed.
Dream For Fun™ 70.8
Dream Spirit™ 59
Practical Dreamer™ 30.21
Dream Lover™ 12.55
Dream Doubter™ 7.15
A dream personality is a description of the predominant set of emotions and thoughts one has about dreams. No one fits any one type perfectly. It's possible for someone to have feelings and thoughts which cut across several personalities. (In fact, if you look at the main profiles page for your money personality, you'll see a set of percentile scores associated with each type for your profile). In reality, you'll never find a pure "Dream Lover" or "Dream Doubter." This is a simplified model which helps us figure out what we most need to work on in order to make the most of our dreams. Please know that we understand people aren't really that simple. Your personality is the one that describes your primary set of feelings and thoughts about dreams, the one with whom you most identify. You will probably not feel completely identified with any.
The personalities contain some exaggerations of the features being illustrated. We've done this to make them easy to recognize and identify with. They are much like the characters we meet in fables and children's stories. While we all know they don't exist in reality, there are important lessons to learn by examining those which most nearly approximate us.
Shown below are the description, explanation, and strategy tips for the personality most closely related to your profile. After reading it over, you may wish to review some of the other personality types which are high on your profile above, as they too may offer some useful insights into having a more prosperous, peaceful life.
The Dream for Fun is someone who believes that dreams are a fun, unusual, and exciting experience. While they do believe that dreams have meaning and relevance to their lives, they look to their dreams more like most Americans look to the movies -- as a temporary escape from their ordinary lives into a world filled with intrigue, drama, romance, humor, adventure, etc.
Dream for Funs are less apt to ask "what does this dream mean" (although they do want to know) than to say to themselves "that dream was really cool -- I will really enjoy reflecting on it and holding it in my mind for a while". They also enjoy sharing their dreams with their friends and listening to their friend's dreams as a kind of social activity.
Statements which a Dream for Fun might most agree with include "I really like it when my friends share their dreams with me and I try to get them to do so", "The stranger my dream is, the more compelled I feel to tell people about it", or "I've got to laugh at some of the things that I dream, … if you have a minute I'll tell you, you won't believe it!"
In addition to finding dreams a source of entertainment, Dream for Funs sometimes use their dreams themselves (not the sharing or interpreting of dreams) as a source of pleasure. At these times they are less interested in sharing their dreams than in actually revisiting their dreams, and in creating more and more pleasurable experiences within them.
Dream for Funs also believe that dreams can be a source of creative inspiration - providing source material for art, music, poetry, stories, or other expressive endeavors. Finally, many Dream for Funs believe that dreams can be a spiritual experience - a manner in which they can become more in tune with the meaning of their life, their feelings about g_d or their religious beliefs.
Most Dream for Funs enjoy keeping a dream diary and organizing their dream thoughts because this preserves the dreams beyond the limits of their short term memory, and allows them to enjoy their dreams over and over again. (It also engages them in improving their organizational abilities, which provide benefits beyond dream entertainment/pleasure).
I had been test on this site and I got the result below:
Physical Fred or Phyllis ™ 97.54
Logical Lewis or Lisa ™ 32.93
Overworked Oivers or Olivias ™ 23.3
Outdoor Otto or Olive ™ 4.17
NOTE: The above scores are percentiles, and are shown for the purpose of allowing you to see exactly how strongly your winning personality type was. If your winning personality type beat the runner up by at least 15 points, this is a fairly strong win. Anything less than 15 points means that you are a DUAL personality and need to read carefully the descriptions and statistics for BOTH your winning type and the runner up.
We did extensive statistical studies to differentiate people according to both the types of stress they are prone to experience, and the manner in which they are most effectively relieved of their stress. A stress personality therefore describes both the types of stress one is most vulnerable to, and the most appropriate interventions for stress reduction.
No one fits any one type perfectly. It's possible for someone to have feelings and thoughts which cut across several personalities. (In fact, if you look at the main profiles page for your stress personality, you'll see a set of percentile scores associated with each type for your profile). In reality, you'll never find a pure "Overworked Olivia" or "Physical Fred." This is a simplified model which helps us figure out what we most need to work on in order to achieve peace of mind. Please know that we understand people aren't really that simple. Your personality is the one that describes your primary set of feelings and thoughts about stress, the one with whom you most identify. You will probably not feel completely identified with any.
The personalities contain some exaggerations of the features being illustrated. We've done this to make them easy to recognize and identify with. They are much like the characters we meet in fables and children's stories. While we all know they don't exist in reality, there are important lessons to learn by examining those which most nearly approximate us.
Shown below are the description, explanation, and strategy tips for the personality most closely related to your profile. After reading it over, you may wish to review some of the other personality types which are high on your profile above, as they too may offer some useful insights into having a more prosperous, peaceful life.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most people report to us that while this page (the 'Main Stress Personality' page) is entertaining and provides some general, interesting insights, the more valuable information is found on the 'Detailed Findings' page where they can see more specifics about each element in their profile. (Because this page aims to cluster people into one of four broad categories, some people feel it doesn't apply to them as much as the individual profile scores do.
(Requires Physical Activity To Reduce Stress)
"Move, move, move that body!"
The 'Physical Fred or Physical Phyllis' stress personality type is usually a creative woman (often with daughters at home) who responds very well to virtually all types of physical interventions for stress relief. This includes, most importantly exercise (aerobics, yoga, and strength training), but also things like progressive muscle relaxation, massage, or 'cuddling' (with a cat when a loved one is not available!).
The Physical Fred/Phyllis is usually aware of health issues, and feels some relief from drinking bottled water, taking vitamins, and further educating themselves about physical care. (They are a little vulnerable to the 'fat free cookie' craze à sometimes overindulging in fat free treats loaded with sugar, which actually increases their stress level).
In sharp contrast to the Logical Lewis/Lisa stress personality type, the Physical Fred/Phyllis doesn't respond so well to approaches to stress management that rely on trying to change one's thinking ('cognitive approaches'). Positive thinking training, acceptance training, assertiveness training, and the like are mostly wasted on the Physical Fred/Phyllis. They are better off dedicating additional time to their exercise routine, learning more about how to take care of themselves physically, or spending more time with their pets.
The last technique which seems to help the Physical Fred/Phyllis is working with their dreams. However, the dreams need to be seen as a source of entertainment, and the sharing of them a source of catharsis. In other words, they don't necessarily search for the 'meaning of a dream' in order to relieve stress. Rather, they seek to find some enjoyment in the experience of writing it down or sharing it with another person. Kind of like a piece of fine artwork - better to be experienced than to be analyzed.
Dream For Fun™ 70.8
Dream Spirit™ 59
Practical Dreamer™ 30.21
Dream Lover™ 12.55
Dream Doubter™ 7.15
A dream personality is a description of the predominant set of emotions and thoughts one has about dreams. No one fits any one type perfectly. It's possible for someone to have feelings and thoughts which cut across several personalities. (In fact, if you look at the main profiles page for your money personality, you'll see a set of percentile scores associated with each type for your profile). In reality, you'll never find a pure "Dream Lover" or "Dream Doubter." This is a simplified model which helps us figure out what we most need to work on in order to make the most of our dreams. Please know that we understand people aren't really that simple. Your personality is the one that describes your primary set of feelings and thoughts about dreams, the one with whom you most identify. You will probably not feel completely identified with any.
The personalities contain some exaggerations of the features being illustrated. We've done this to make them easy to recognize and identify with. They are much like the characters we meet in fables and children's stories. While we all know they don't exist in reality, there are important lessons to learn by examining those which most nearly approximate us.
Shown below are the description, explanation, and strategy tips for the personality most closely related to your profile. After reading it over, you may wish to review some of the other personality types which are high on your profile above, as they too may offer some useful insights into having a more prosperous, peaceful life.
The Dream for Fun is someone who believes that dreams are a fun, unusual, and exciting experience. While they do believe that dreams have meaning and relevance to their lives, they look to their dreams more like most Americans look to the movies -- as a temporary escape from their ordinary lives into a world filled with intrigue, drama, romance, humor, adventure, etc.
Dream for Funs are less apt to ask "what does this dream mean" (although they do want to know) than to say to themselves "that dream was really cool -- I will really enjoy reflecting on it and holding it in my mind for a while". They also enjoy sharing their dreams with their friends and listening to their friend's dreams as a kind of social activity.
Statements which a Dream for Fun might most agree with include "I really like it when my friends share their dreams with me and I try to get them to do so", "The stranger my dream is, the more compelled I feel to tell people about it", or "I've got to laugh at some of the things that I dream, … if you have a minute I'll tell you, you won't believe it!"
In addition to finding dreams a source of entertainment, Dream for Funs sometimes use their dreams themselves (not the sharing or interpreting of dreams) as a source of pleasure. At these times they are less interested in sharing their dreams than in actually revisiting their dreams, and in creating more and more pleasurable experiences within them.
Dream for Funs also believe that dreams can be a source of creative inspiration - providing source material for art, music, poetry, stories, or other expressive endeavors. Finally, many Dream for Funs believe that dreams can be a spiritual experience - a manner in which they can become more in tune with the meaning of their life, their feelings about g_d or their religious beliefs.
Most Dream for Funs enjoy keeping a dream diary and organizing their dream thoughts because this preserves the dreams beyond the limits of their short term memory, and allows them to enjoy their dreams over and over again. (It also engages them in improving their organizational abilities, which provide benefits beyond dream entertainment/pleasure).
Face off! or face it.
words of the day:Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face, or what's behind it? ~Pablo Picasso~
Talking about faces, there's this old joke that I heard " How can you face your problem if your problem is your face?" Smart huh! Anyway, I wonder how transparent I am with people. I mean I try hard to hide some emotions at times. But I am learning to express them now. I guess even if I don't really talk my feelings aloud, they can be seen on my face. Even if I hide them. J calls me faces because I make a lot of faces. I think I make faces to express what I feel too. I make sour and long faces when I didn't like something or when I am upset. But even if we didn't want to show the emotions , they seem to find thier way into the facial muscles. Some people can hide thier emotions better than others. Others can even project a complete opposite of what they really feel on thier face. If a person is really happy and contented within it seems to glow in one's face and of course can be seen through the person's gestures and words. Confidence is also shown in one's face, it almost like an aura that each person emits from within. I am not very good at projecting an image I want of myself towards other people but I am learning. Trying different faces, different gestures. Of course a smile on the face almost always works. And yes a lot of people that have that natural charisma on their face. I mean if you noticed how you feel towards people, there are people that you seem to feel negative vibrations even if you don't even know the person. A negative aura, something about the person which you don't find compatible with. And you might ask "Is it his or her look?, Is it his or her hair?" Sometimes it could be physical, but sometimes it is just in a cosmic way and you can't pinpoint it.
Well, anyway, am sure we all see and encounter many faces in all walks of life. We also different have faces of life, dark face, long face, sour face, moon face, angel face, baby face. Oh, faces! Face is all we have. I think a world without faces wouldn't be pretty.
Karaoke! Are you fond of singing karaoke? I have had a taste of karaoke Saturday. It was fun, except I didn't understand a word of the songs that was sung. It was in Korean.Working with people of different languages can be fun, at the same time can be difficult because of the language barrier. The party was a "despidida"(farewell) for a Korean girl who's going back to Korea at the end of the month. Doing karaoke reminded me so much of the Filipino national past time. I remember that karaoke could even be found at the food courts when I was in Baguio. Of course there are karaoke bars. I haven't really gone a lot to any karaoke bars back home.Maybe once or twice. A lot of times we would just hook up the microphone and try singing by our living room. It could be fun for someone who likes to sing. And even without karaoke, a guitar and a song book would be fine. A lot of times when the "barkada" (peer group) come together and just hang around they would find singing a fond liesure time. Picnics and get together parties are not fun without some singing. Even the "sintonado" can just sing all he/she wants. Of course food is a big part. Every party is a feast with pouring alcoholic drinks.
World's Wierd Foods
I was on my way home the other day, J picked me up and on our way he was asking about "balut". I asked where did he hear that word. He said that he was watching the travel channel and they featured "balut" as the number one in the world's wierdest foods. He even recorded the show just to show me. And he was making that squirmy face saying ewwwwwwwww! I told him that he didn't know what he was missing. It's actually yummy to my taste. I admit I prefer "penoy" than the one with duck's embryo in it.I didn't even know how this Pinoy delicacy is prepared. They showed how they prepare them in the province of Laguna in a duck farm. They collect the fertilized eggs and place them in baskets. They keep them in a room and cover or incubate them with rice husks to keep the temperature at 98% F. They would look at the embryos under a light bulb, a dead embryo would be sold as "penoys" with a cheaper price.
Before they cook the "balut" they would clean and brush them thoroughly with sponge until clean, then boil them.
Most Filipinos eat "balut" because they think of it as an aphrodisiac, especially men. They believe they last longer and makes men more potent. It is usually eaten as a snack(mirienda) or in between meals.
Although most of time you'll find "balut" sold by the sidewalk, some restaurants are starting to integrate it in thier menu and tried to prepare it in different manners like sauteing and soufle especially when it is prepared for a westener. According to the host of the show,"balut" maybe considered an aphrodisiac, it might be hard for a westerner to stomach.
They also mentioned "deer penis soup", cooked (boiled,fried) "rocky mountain oysters" but not oysters but actually bull's testicles cut up and boil, fry or sauteed. they also mentioned grilled grasshoppers, and worm tacos in Mexico. I eaten some bugs when I was young. Me and my dad would go digging for this special kind of beetles that bury themselves under the ground just next to a tree. He would them fry them up and viola! it's tasty. I had some baby bees too, the early stage(larvea) when they look like worms. My dad would get the honeycombs and we would drain the honey and cook the baby bees. As far as I can remember they taste good. And I had grilled dragonflies too.
If we talk about wierd foods, I have a lot to share. Have you ever tried eating lizards? I have eaten monitor lizards(bayawak) when I was young. It is actually yummy. It is close to alligator meat. If you have been to New Orleans you should try alligator on the stick if you happen to go to the French Open Market.
Perhaps eating dog meat isn't that wierd, or perhaps it is. I haven't seen all the wierd foods they showed. I told J that I love dog's skin sauteed with a lot of green onions and sprinkled with calamansi or lemon. And he looked at me like I am a cannibal. He even told his twin sister to keep Tate, her dog away from me. I told him that dogs in the Philippines are not the kind of cuddly dogs that they have here in the US. They are more of wild dogs. And they really do bite.
Of course J doesn't like "bagoong" or fish suace. He doesn't even like dried fish. I tried cooking "sinigang na bangus" (milkfish boiled with tamarind or guava seasoning). He was like "what the hell is this? Boiled fish!
When I was in Hongkong, I have seen some cages of snakes at the entrance of a restaurant. Some Chinese and Japanese people drink snake soup. I thought all Chinese people would like snake soup. I asked my former boss if she drink snake soup and she shuddered saying "it's horrible!"
I was talking to some Americans about these Filipino delicacies we have and they don't even want to try them. But if we have to go around the world and see and experience other cultures. One might be surprised that the common burgers we have here in America could be considered wierd by other people. I would imagine my parents puzzled expression if I serve them salad and burger. They might say " what are these?" Or is this all we eat? Considering that a burger might be considered a snack. I actually have a friend in New Orleans. We went to get sandwiches at Subway. When I ordered mine with some lettuce,cucumber,onions, green pepers and olives. She was surprised that I eat raw vegetables. She said she does not eat raw vegetables. But she has been in the US for years now. Oh well, I guess she cooks all her veggies.
Oh, yeah I could go on and on with food. Still,way back in HK, I just love thier food there. Everything can be bought fresh. I mean real fresh from vegetables, to seafood and even meat. One time I was at the open market by Kowloon, I saw two western women walking by the wet market. When they saw the cut fish with its intestines moving, they were like ewwwwwwwwww! That's something you don't see in the groceries here in the US except at the international markets where they sell fish still swimming in the tanks. Of course I miss the different kinds of vegetables they don't have here and of course some fruits I couln't fine here like green mangoes, lanzones, rattan fruit and others. I guess the climate has something to do with the enormous vegetation that the tropical regions have that does not grow in some other parts of the world.
Of course the best eating utensil I bring everywhere I go, are my fingers. Yes, I still eat with my hands instead of spoon and of course I have become very very good at using chopsticks.
On being a bookworm
To love to read is to exchange hours of ennui for hours of delight~Baron de Montesquieu~
French political philosopher, 1689-1755
Reading could be so much fun. I remember the first time I started reading, I was in the 6th grade. I would watch my elder sister Marlyn read a fiction book. She would flip the pages after pages. I was so curious how she could read all those pages and chapters. So I borrowed on of her pocket fiction books and started reading. It was a challenge at that time. I was trying to read as many pages as she could. It was more like a contest to me. She didn't even know that I was racing her. Of course she won. But from then on I started reading books after books. I read maybe all the series of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High. I was also very fond of Sidney Sheldon when I first read one of his books. I have read all his books. Then of course Dannielle Steele and Harold Robbins,Thomas Harris, the author of Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Red Dragon. The X-files too is one of my favorites. And Robbin Cook's books I have read most of them. I have started Banana Yoshimoto
recommended by a friend. I love motivational books like the Road less traveled, Don't sweat the small stuff, Chicken Soup for the Soul, books by Vincent Peale. I have enjoyed reading this book given by a friend "If it hurts, it isn't love." Books by Alan Loy McGinis. And many other books which authors I can't remember. I love Reader's Digest, Psychology Today, Good Housekeeping, Times and of course the newspaper.
They say that reading is a way of exercising the brain muscles. It's sharpening the mind when it comes to vocabularies, comprehension and imagination. Sometimes I prefer reading than watching a movie. It's more vivid for me to read than to watch the movie, if there's a movie based on the book. There's so much worlds to be discovered at the pages and chapters of books. It's almost being able to live in a dreamland and discover the secrets of other worlds and cultures too.One could travel time and back just by reading. It's even better that the advance technology is giving more options of reading and listening to whatever human interests. You could just surf the internet and there you go, you could read right there without having to flip any books. And of course there's the audio books, just play them and listen.
So, there's a lot of benefits of reading. Aside from intellectual pursuit and learning, reading is also important in understanding a certain field of study. Just read, read and read.
Words of the day:
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.~Albert Camus~
I have learned that happiness are scattered along the road as we go on with life. It's not something that we should go looking for. And that meaning is an overall totality of how we live our lives. Too often, we go looking that we which we could never find because it is right there under our nose. It's just right there but we don't notice them. Happiness comes in many forms and shapes, we just fail to recognize them because we are looking at a different direction.A lot of times they are just right along our way, we just refuse to acknowledge them. A lot of times they come in disguise and often we would shoo them away.
Happiness comes in a bag of chips, a can of coke,a take out Chinese food, an hour watching comedy central or the man show. A few minutes drinking cofee, eating a bar of chocolate, a whole burst of laughter, a few moments of cuddling while curled on the couch. I think I can go on and on with the list, things we often take for granted.
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.~Albert Camus~
I have learned that happiness are scattered along the road as we go on with life. It's not something that we should go looking for. And that meaning is an overall totality of how we live our lives. Too often, we go looking that we which we could never find because it is right there under our nose. It's just right there but we don't notice them. Happiness comes in many forms and shapes, we just fail to recognize them because we are looking at a different direction.A lot of times they are just right along our way, we just refuse to acknowledge them. A lot of times they come in disguise and often we would shoo them away.
Happiness comes in a bag of chips, a can of coke,a take out Chinese food, an hour watching comedy central or the man show. A few minutes drinking cofee, eating a bar of chocolate, a whole burst of laughter, a few moments of cuddling while curled on the couch. I think I can go on and on with the list, things we often take for granted.
To put a smiley face.
Words for today:Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect; it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
I strongly agree with what is said above. Despite all the shams and the drudgery, it's still a beautiful world. Life seems to go on a cycle, a continous cycle one minute people would laughing and in a sudden loss they would be crying. But they won't be crying for a long time. It's always changing and it all depends on how well we see things in the light learning. Too often when we commit mistakes we tend to scold ourselves too much. We tend to spend so much time burrying ourselves in self doubt and pity. They say that if a door closes unto us, another door will open and we stare too long to that closed door that we don't notice the open door. I think that happiness is accepting that there will always be imperfections and learning to correct them. Learn from them and focus on things that we can be able to perfect through harness and practice.It's the experience of the ugly faces of life that we learn what makes us happy. Be careful always put that smile on your face. Always strive to be happy.
Taste of Life
Words of the day:The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want,
drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not.
~Mark Twain [1835-1910]
Life can get as sour as a lemon,as pungent as ginger,as spicy as chilli peppers, it can get as sweet as sugar,as bitter as bitter gourd or it can get so bland as vanilla ~Beth~
Okey, I attempted to translate this to Tagalog(Filipino) and I had a hard time remembering the right words. Here's the translation of the above quote (by Beth).My Tagalog vocabularies are rusting.
Ang Buhay Kung Ihalintulad Sa Pagkain
Ang buhay kung minsan ay kasingasim ng lemon(calamansi), kasinganghang ng luya,kasinglasa ng siling labuyo at kung minsan kasingtamis ng asukal,kasingpait ng ampalaya, kung minsan naman walang kalasa-lasa.